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18 December 2019

Emergence of Sociology| ICDS Supervisor Exam Kerala PS|ICDS Supervisor Study Materials

Emergence of Sociology| ICDS Supervisor Exam Kerala PS|ICDS Supervisor Study Materials


The emergence of Sociology: ICDS Supervisor Exam Kerala PSC

In this post, the notes of Sociology are added which are important for ICDS Supervisor Exam. Kerala PSC and other states PSC's are conducting Exams for ICDS Supervisor. Study materials are available for other topics also like Home ScienceFood and NutritionPsychologyPhysiologyMicrobiologySociology and Nutrition and Health for ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC Exam


There is always a connection between the social conditions of a period and the ideas, which arise and are dominant in that period.

• The Enlightenment Period 

 The emergence of sociology as a scientific discipline can be traced to the period of European history, which saw such tremendous social, political and economic changes as embodied in the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. 

This period of change in European society is known as the Enlightenment Period as it embodies the spirit of a new awakening in the French philosophers of the eighteenth century. 

The new outlook developed as a result of the Commercial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution and crystalized during the French and the Industrial Revolutions gave birth to sociology as a discipline.

Structure and Change in European Society

 Old Europe was traditional. The land was central to its economic system. Classes were distinct and clearly demarcated The religious heads decided what was moral, Family and kinship were central to the lives of the people. 

Monarchy was firmly rooted in society.

The New Europe ushered in by the two Revolutions, the French and the industrial, challenged each and every central feature of old Europe The contrast between present and past seemed stark.

 For the aristocrat, threatened with the loss of life and property the present was terrifying. 

For the peasant, the present was intoxicating as it offered new opportunities and powers.

The social conditions in which sociology emerged 

• The Commercial Revolution

 The 'Commercial Revolution" refers to a series of events between 1450 to approximately 1800. 

The Commercial Revolution in this sense signified the expansion of trade and commerce that took place from the fifteenth century onwards. 

It was of such a large scale and organized manner that we call it a

• Expansion of Banking:

o Credit facilities were expanded, making it easy for merchants all over Europe to do business. 

The "cheque" was invented in the eighteenth century. Paper money came to replace gold and silver coins.

• Rise of a New Class:

By the end of the 17th century, the middle class had become an influential group in nearly every western European country. It included merchants, bankers, ship-owners and investors. 

Thus Europe charted new areas for economic expansion - the whole world had become Europe's oyster.

• The Scientific Revolution and the Renaissance Period :

Science does not develop independent of society, rather, it develops in response to human needs e.g, various vaccines were not developed just out of the blue, but out of the necessity to cure diseases.

Science in the Medieval Period: The Church was the epicenter of power authority and learning. 

Learning was mostly of the religious variety. 

Nothing could challenge the 'dogmas' or rigid beliefs of the Church

 The Renaissance period
1. Visual art
2. Medicine
3. Chemistry
4. Navigation and astronomy
5. The Copernican Revolution:

 From geocentricism to heliocentricism

6. Biology and Evolution: The British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) published the Origin of Species in 1859.

 Darwin's evolutionary theory did, however, gain wide acceptance. It was applied to the social world by 'evolutionary' thinkers, notably Herbert Spencer. 

Not just organisms, but societies were seen as constantly 'evolving' or developing from a lower to a
higher stage.

The intellectual influences affecting the emergence of sociology

 Sociology emerged as a response to the forces of change, which took place during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe.

 Firstly, a scientific approach to the study of society dates back to the tradition of Enlightenment. 

The eighteenth-century thinkers began more consistently than any
of their predecessors to study the human conditions in a scientific way using the methods of the natural sciences.

 Secondly, the eighteenth-century thinkers upheld reason as a measure to judge social institutions and their suitability for human nature.

 Thirdly, the eighteenth-century thinkers believed that human beings are capable of attaining perfection. 

By criticizing and changing social institutions they can create for
themselves even greater degrees of freedom, which, in turn, would enable them increasingly to actualize the potentially creative powers.

 Apart from them, three other intellectual influences current in the post-

The enlightenment period influenced the emergence of sociology in Europe. 

They can be identified as
1. the philosophy of history
2. the biological theories of evolution; and
3. the surveys of social conditions.

 These three intellectual influences are the precursors of sociology and are reflected in the writings of the early sociologists.

1. The Philosophy of History: The basic assumption of this philosophy was that society must have progressed through a series of steps from simple to complex stages.

2. The Biological Theories of Evolution: The influence of the philosophy of history was further reinforced by the biological theory of evolution, Herbert Spencer and Durkheim are a good example of this kind of writing.

3. Surveys of Social Conditions: Social survey forms an important element in modern sociology. 

It emerged due to two reasons. one was the growing conviction that the methods of the natural sciences should and could be extended to the study of human affairs; that human phenomenon could be classified and measured.

 The other was the concern with poverty ('the social problem), following the recognition that poverty was not natural but social.

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More ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSCSociology Notes Here

ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC Home science Notes Here

ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC Food, Nutrition and health Notes Here 

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Topic wise Notes for ICDS Supervisor Exam


1.      Home Science

2.      Food and Nutrition

3.      Psychology

4.       Physiology

5.       Microbiology

6.       Sociology 

7.      Nutrition and Health 


MCQ Questions & Answers for ICDS Supervisor


1.      ICDS Supervisor NOTES

2.      Previous Questions MCQ|ICDS Supervisor Exam|ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC (1-20)

3.      Previous Questions MCQ|ICDS Supervisor Exam|ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC (21-30)

4.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ-1

5.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 1

6.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 2

7.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 3

8.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 4

9.      Nutrition & Health MCQ 1

10.  Nutrition & Health MCQ 2

11.  Nutrition & Health MCQ 3

12.  Nutrition & Health MCQ 4

13.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 1

14.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 2

15.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 3

16.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 4

17.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 5

18.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 6

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More Topic wise Notes can be got from the Website https://www.previousquestions.in


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