PRIMARY HEALTH CARE|ICDS Supervisor Study materials
The Alma Ata Declaration, strongly recommended the development of primary health care for all people.
There is ide gap between the health status of population in the different countries and the developing world.
This gap is also evident within the individual developing countries between the health of “haves” and “'have nots”.
A better health status of community can be achieved with the technical knowledge available.
Unfortunately in most countries this knowledge is not being put to the best advantage. Health resources are being allocated mainly to sophisticated medical institutions in the urban areas.
Indeed, the improvement of health is being equated with the provision of medical care through sophisticated hospitals.
At the same time, disadvantaged groups have no access to any permanent form of health care.
Even when the health facilities are located within easy reach, they are unable to pay or the cultural taboos put them out of bounds.
Moreover, most of the developing countries have developed their health care delivery system based on the western model.
Thus most conventional health care systems are becoming increasingly complex, costly and have doubtful social relevance.
So what is the alternative with the limited money available?
The primary health care is the answer to this problem.
The Primary Health Care approach is cost effective, and has great impact on the health problems of the community but it is difficult to introduce.
On the other hand the specialised health care is easy to introduce but it is expensive and has little effect on the health problems.
Primary Health Care
Let us understand the primary health care approach.
Primary Health Care is an approach to achieve an acceptable level of health at reasonable cost throughout the world in a foreseeable future.
The World Health Organisation defines primary health care as: “Essential health care, made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community in an acceptable and affordable way with their full participation”.
This approach has evolved over the years, partly in light of the experiences, positive and negative, gained in delivery of health services in a number of countries.
Primary Health Care addresses to the main health prob lem s in th e com m u nity, prov iding p ro mo tive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
In order to make health care universally accessible, involvement of communities in planning, organisation and management is essential and this mobilisation can be done through appropriate education.
The primary health care is m ost effective and economical if it is delivered through health workers selected from the local community and trained properly considering the community health problems and its expressed health needs.
These community health workers should have the support of the existing Government health system.
Given below are the characteristic features of the primary health care:
It is essential health care which is based on practical scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology.
It should be rendered universally acceptable to the individuals and families in the community through their full participation.
Its availability should be at a cost which the community and country can afford.
It addresses to the main health problems in the community, providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services accordingly.
It involves in addition to the health sector, all related sectors of community development.
It requires and promotes maximum community and individual self-reliance and their participation in the planning, organisation and implementation making full use of local resources.
It should have the integrated and functional referral system.
It relies on local referral to health workers and community workers, suitably trained to work as health team and to respond to the expressed health needs of the community.
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